Is President Bush really pro-life?
I find it ironic that President Bush is anti-abortion (pro-life) when so many people were executed (sentenced to death) in Texas under his watch. What makes that convict any less deserving to llive than an unborn child? Here's some facts I googled.
When capital punishment was declared "cruel and unusual punishment" by the U.S. Supreme Court on June 29, 1972, there were 45 men on death row in Texas and 7 in county jails with a death sentence. All of the sentences were commuted to life sentences by the Governor of Texas, and death row was clear by March 1973.
In 1973, revision to the Texas Penal Code once again allowed assessment of the death penalty and allowed for executions to resume effective 1/1/1974.
Texas leads nation in the number of executions since death penalty was reinstated in 1976.
President Bush was governor of Texas from January 17, 1995 to December 21, 2000.
Executions during 1995 in the state of Texas: 19 []
1996 3 []
1997 37 []
1998 20 []
1999 35 [[
2000 40 []
For a grand total of 154
This is only those that were executed, not those who were sentenced. It is also a known fact that Texas is a state that allows the sentencing of juveniles to execution.