Winterblade's Articles In Politics
September 13, 2004 by Winterblade
I just read this article at and found it interesting that an article about the future had so many political answers. I'll quote a few directly from the article. NOTE: I do not agree or disagree with any of these quotes. I just found the answers interesting... and some amusing. “The biggest change, one which I didn't get at the time, was the rise to dominance of the American Christian fundamentalist far right. Where are w...
October 19, 2004 by Winterblade
I find it ironic that President Bush is anti-abortion (pro-life) when so many people were executed (sentenced to death) in Texas under his watch. What makes that convict any less deserving to llive than an unborn child? Here's some facts I googled. from When capital punishment was declared "cruel and unusual punishment" by the U.S. Supreme Court on June 29, 1972, there were 45 men on death row in Texas and 7 in county jails with a death s...